✨Contact information✨

Ready to become an attractive employer in the minds of your employees and the talents you need to attract?





Combined live and on-demand online group coaching program in strategic employer branding. 

So happy to see you here!
Let me present Employer Brand NavigationŽ, 
an online group coaching program that teaches proven methods, strategies, and tactics to differentiate your employer brand from your competitors while building conditions for internal trust and engagement.

Helping you both attract and retain the RIGHT employees for your organization.

Ready to learn the Method to Build and Sustain an Attractive Employer Brand?

Hi, I am Malin!

After 20 years of working as a strategic advisor and project manager with employer branding, communication, and people and culture in companies of different sizes, from small IT-startups to large corporations, my wish is to pass on my knowledge and experience in how to create a solid foundation for an attractive employer brand!

To show you the do's and don'ts, which steps to take and highlight the great benefits that comes with working structured with employer brand management - from an HR, Talent Acquisition, Communication, and over all business perspective.

Much of the "secret" lies in the structure, and as we all know, it's easier to be creative when you understand what method to use and what conditions you have.

So, based on my experience  I've developed an intuitive  and proven method to teach you strategic employer branding, from start to finish. 

I would be so honored to see Employer Brand NavigationŽ become your strategic best friend on your employer branding journey, and a tool you come back to over and over again when working towards becoming a more attractive employer with an attractive employer brand. 

Warm welcome!


Want to get in contact? Click here

Before I tell you all about this course,
let’s talk about who it's most suitable for!



Employer Brand NavigationÂŽ is perfect for you who work as a professional or have a background in People & Culture, Communications, Talent Acquisition, Marketing, or represent a management team, and want to uppskill your strategic employer branding knowledge to:

✔️ Structure the work around employer branding.

✔️ Learn a full method to use when managing an employer brand strategically and in practice on a daily basis.

✔️ Get strategic hands-on weekly support online, to gain momentum?

✔️ Want to apply a more strategic thinking to your practical employer branding efforts, e.g. learn to set goals, how to measure your small or large activities and much more.

✔️ Get a framework EVP development.

✔️ Learn how to to work with target groups and talent group analysis?

✔️ Apply your learnings in a current role or learn a new skill to make a career change?
✔️ Create an employer branding strategy in order to succeed with the internal collaboration around employer branding and get the whole organization involved?


"For years, I struggled to find a structured approach and clear process that I could use in my Employer Brand work. Malin's course gave me a framework for my EB work, and I will now be able to navigate strategic employer brand management and all it includes. I highly recommend this course to all EB specialists and TA partners who feel alone in their strategic work, want to be empowered and need support in elevating their employer branding efforts."

Helga Svensson
People and Culture Manager

Employer Brand Navigation®️ will give you the opportunity to


⭐ Instantly apply the employer brand mindset in the daily work with internal engagement and talent acquisition.

⭐ Get a blue print for the way of working with employer branding, the EVP and for creating a strategy to apply the tactics.

⭐ Learn to differentiate your employer brand from other employers, attract the right talent, and create conditions for making people feel engaged and stay in the organization.

⭐ Understand how to evaluate activities to achieve the desired effect.

⭐ Possess the mindset to align the employer brand function with other functions such as marketing, internal communications, the corporate brand, talent acquisition, and HR for better impact and reach of common goals.

⭐ Get empowered and confident in the full employer brand cycle, from highlighting pre-conditions and mapping target groups to creating an EVP, incorporating core values, deciding on messages, channels, budgets, and measurement.

Want to get in contact? Click here



  • 9 live online group coaching sessions with me of 1.5 hours each, over the duration of 8 weeks.
  • 8 training modules for independent self-studies.
  • 19 lessons with strategic and tactical coursework.
  • Resource library and toolbox (cases, manuals, and templates).
  • 1 year of full on-demand access to the platform.
  • Online employer brand community.
  • Course certificate (after course completion).
  • A comprehensive manual (blueprint) for how to create an employer brand strategy that can be used over and over again.


Learn the process of bringing your employer brand to life,
and give your organisation the best conditions to create a healthy work environment! 

Online Group Coaching Program in Strategic Employer Branding 


Learn the Method behind Building and Sustaining an
Attractive Employer Brand. 


So, what will you have learned after the program?

When finished, you will have...


Identified WHY you need a attractive employer brand!

You will have decided measurable goals based on the business purpose, looked at parameters for the budget, internal and external measurement, and worked with a structure for internal collaboration.

Identified WHO you need, to reach your business goals.

You will have mapped out who you need to attract, recruit and engage to meet you business needs, learned how to get to know more about their drivers and how to think when finding them. 

Crafted a clear message of WHAT you want to communicate.

You will have decided what to communicate to employees, candidates and the market, in order to nail the talents you need. You will have crafted your own EVP or adapted your core values and created strong messages.

Decided HOW to best showcase your brand.

You will have made decisions on how package the communication messages in order to reach the minds of your target groups. What way is the best way to reach your target groups?



Identified WHERE to communicate

You will have identified where, you can reach your target groups, internally and externally. Meaning in which channels, you send out your communication messages? 

Established WHEN to communicate

You will have decided when the best time is to send out your communication messages to get the attention from your desired talent groups. And how to plan the content activation.

Learned how to FOLLOW UP and gather insights

You will have learned how to evaluate your work, collect insights, and tweak the strategy and actions for future work. Connecting back to the decisions made in Module 1. 

Strategic Toolbox

Within the program, you will also find downloadable material such as cases, manuals (e.g. in how to create an EVP) and FAQs. 



Want to get in contact? Click here!

Questions & Answers


"It is a true pleasure to work together with Malin! It is so obvious that she has a passion for what she does. That, together with her deep knowledge, broad experience and a very good ability to listen and understand!

Anna Attefall
Consultant Manager, Happi Hacking


My personal facilitation promise to you💛

Learning a new or deeper skill takes courage. So I strongly believe in fostering a happy, kind, and safe space for learning and growth.
Therefore, my aim is to create a supportive and harmonious environment where you feel empowered to learn and grow, without any pressure or judgment. 

Employer Brand Navigation®️ is crafted from a holistic perspective and designed with an attentive, engaged and personal approach in mind.
I promise to always strive to ensure that you, as a participant, feel seen, heard, and supported in your development, despite being on a digital platform and working independently.

Nurture a High Energy Culture for Better Employee Experience and Talent Attraction!

Join Employer Brand NavigationÂŽ and learn how to uplevel your internal engagement and external attraction through Employer Brand Management. Learn how to create a strategy to not only support your daily work but to create activities according to your goals!

Yes! Take me to the offers!

Born from a passion for employer, corporate, and organizational brand management, I've designed this course to share my insights on how to establish a solid foundation for daily employer branding efforts, both internally and externally, and to ensure internal alignment and quality in your talent acquisition.

Through my professional work, I have had the opportunity to meet some brilliant people and be part of amazing organizations, both as an employee and as a consultant, mentor, and coach in various projects and setups. This has given me invaluable experience and knowledge that I am excited to now be passing on to you!

During the years, I've also had the privilege of serving as a jury member for Employer Branding awards, conducting workshops, attending podcasts, and engaging in collaborative forums with experts in HR, Organizational Development, Recruitment, Talent Acquisition, Strategic Communication, and Branding. Everything has led me here and I cant wait to pass on the fundamentals of my insights to you, through Employer Brand NavigationŽ so you can take the next step on your employer branding journey!


I'm ready, let's do this Malin!