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Employer Brand Management

Build an attractive and sustainable internal and external employer brand through organisational alignment, authenticity and identity.


Happy to see you here!

Applying strategic thinking to your employer branding, aligning your employees with your business goals, and improving internal collaboration around your employer brand will not only create higher organizational energy, improve internal commitment, and enrich your culture.

It will also elevate your external employer brand image, leading you to attract candidates aligned with your values and driving forces, as well as enhance internal employer brand trust, securing the people you can't afford to lose.

Hope this page, content and services can help you and serve as an inspiration!

Warm welcome to The Basic Identity!
With love, Malin


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Online Group Coaching Program in Strategic Employer Branding

  • Learn the Method to Build and Sustain an Attractive Employer Brand for Higher Employee Experience and Talent Attraction

Join Employer Brand Navigation® and let me guide you through proven methods for developing strategies and tactics that differentiate an employer brand from competitors, while also covering the conditions that build internal trust and engagement, helping to attract and sustain the right employees for the organization.


Hands-on guidance, to accelerate and create momentum for your employer brand and empower you as a professional.

  • Receive personalised, strategic, and hands-on advice to help you create a solid foundation for your current and future work.

Partner with me as your coach to achieve success - from structuring your everyday work, aligning the employer brand with other functions, to creating an EVP based on the business goals. 

Get coaching when needed on Teams, Zoom or over the phone, or as a temporary consultant.


Free Guide:
Employer Branding
Roadmap and Key Concepts


 🔍 Key concepts
Learn the difference between an Employer Brand, an EVP and other key concepts.

🗺️ Navigate Roadmap:
Learn the basic steps to build a solid foundation for your employer brand strategy.

Download Now and Empower your Strategic Employer Branding Skills!

Download the guide


... is created when a company understands the power of true aligned and integrated communication. When all disciplines are in harmony and work with a shared mindset towards common business goals.

... will help strengthen the organisational culture and overall brand value and can truly be considered an important competitive advantage.

So whether your organisation is large or small, make sure to align your employer brand with the other functions and the overall business strategy to elevate both your short-term efforts and long-term success.

- Malin, founder of The Basic Identity



Employer Brand Successfactor 

Always live internally what you promise externally.
Meaning: never promise anything you can't live up to!

Remember to continuously secure the internal understanding of the external communication.
Meaning: do your people know as much about your company as the market and candidate does?

The Basic Identity

Are you ready to embrace a strategic approach for your employer brand, applying a more structured way of working, and ensuring internal
alignment within the organisation?

But most of all, are you open to create the foundation for a healthier workplace?


Employer brand successfactor 

Make sure that the internal and external communication promises are aligned, authentic and that you have ensured that your employees have understood the messages.

This will build internal trust and engagement and helps you both retain and attract the people you need who match your current or desired culture.


The Basic Identity 
EmployerBrandTrainingHub ®

Be inspired!

An employer brand and reputation is something you have, whether you want it or not. You communicate through many channels at the same time, of which your employees are an important one. That is one of the reasons many companies have employee engagement as a top priority and an important metric. But to earn engagement, you must first earn the trust of your people. Therefore, it can be argued that trust is the key to a healthy culture and to an authentic and successful employer brand.

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Employer Brand Successfactor 

Internal knowledge and understanding of the employer brand and how it correlates with the corporate brand, increases the possibility for obtaining a strong and competitive overall brand, company culture and identity.

Gain trust among your people with employer brand knowledge, and earn yourself a strong, healthy and sustainable employer brand. Inside and out.


The Basic Identity 


Feel empowered

Learning new things is empowering and builds confidence over time, but it can also feel overwhelming. So don't let your thoughts run over you.

Stay positive, you got this!

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Employer brand successfactor 

When you as an employer engage with your people in an authentic and trustworthy way, you gain their trust, earn their engagement, and deserve their natural ambassadorship.

Demonstrate your employer engagement before expecting employee engagement.


The Basic Identity 

Hi there,

Thank you for showing interest in The Basic Identity -  EmployerBrandTrainingHub®! 

It makes me so happy that you found this webpage because it indicates that you most likely also are interested in the world of employer brand management, corporate cultures and identity.
Good for you because it's so worth diving into!

After many years of working with employer brands in large, medium and small organisations and corporate cultures, I've learned what an amazing positive impact employer branding has on an organisation and its people. Not only does it bring people together since an employer brand covers many business areas, but to also be aware of how all the elements correlates and how to work with them strategically and practically is a tangible business tool and very rewarding to use. 

Over the years, I have made great use of a long and broad experience from external communication and marketing to internal communication, HR, recruitment and organiational behavior management (OBM). 
For managing an employer brand is pure 360 degree work!

Through my work I daily get to do something I feel really passionate about, and I would love to forward that passion to you.

Let's create abundant organizations together!

With love, 


Employer brand successfactor 

Always look boldly into your company culture and identity and base the internal and external communication on your insights.

This will secure always living internally what you promise externally, a key to a sustainable employer brand.


The Basic Identity 